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A unified carbon credit platform
Powered by blockchain and machine learning

myCarbon is a frictionless carbon credit platform crafted for organisations to easily manage carbon offsetting programs and engage with their customers to invest in planet saving projects on chain. Create scalable carbon offset programs for your organization using myCarbon platform accredited by leading green initiative projects across the globe.

Your organisation

Customized carbon credits programs. Choose your green initiative. Easily onboard and set up your carbon credits and offset program online through our platform. Pre-purchase your carbon credits at corporate rate.

Your Clients

Reward your clients with myCarbon tokens, let your clients buy, exchange, or redeem their myCarbon coins  and offset their carbon footprint through myCarbon app. MYCT tokens are backed 1:1 by a real-world assets.


Cutting edge block chain technology and industry leading security with myCarbon cryptocurrency. Buy, exchange or redeem myCarbon credits accredited by leading green initiative projects across the globe.

myCarbon mobile app
Self-serve myCarbon app for clients
Mobile apps coming soon
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myCarbon Dash

View summary of the Carbon Coins activity via the dashboard.

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View monthly statement of your carbon footprint.

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View impact

View your carbon footprint and how you’re offsetting the carbon in green projects.

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Buy MYCT coins

Easily buy or redeem myCarbon coins via the app using any credit or debit card or crypto currency.


Easily configure your carbon offset program, buy bulk myCarbon credits and allocate them to a selected program.

Connect with your cloud connected software platforms and request custom integration specific to your user case.
Invite clients to your custom Carbon offset program. Manage your clients and view overview statistics via the web portal.
Account levels
Tiered account levels (i.e gold, silver) and/or subscriptions plans customised to your organisation based on the user case.


token compatibility


Backed by



Bring your own

certified nature projects





Frictionless carbon offset in blockchain

myCarbon is built with scalability, flexibility and simplicity in mind. Carbon credits and trading itself is a complicated process and blockchain also is a complex technology. Our goal is to bring carbon offsetting to the block chain and harness the power of blockchain technology whilst offering a simple to use platform and tools for the organisations and individuals.

Interested in partnering?
Please send us a message, one of our consultants will get back to you.

    Stay informed with carbon offset and carbon credit news
    Carbon Markets & Australia’s Net Zero Challenge

    After a turbulent few years, we are entering a critical stage in the challenge of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. This is a goal that still has bipartisan support in Australia, as well as in other countries.It is also backed by key agencies like the International Monetary Fund..

    Copyright @ myCarbon 2023